The Rule of the Society

By | May 8, 2016

The Society of St. Vincent de Paul was founded in Paris as a result of the spiritual aspirations and social commitment felt by a group of students led by Bl. Frédéric Ozanam (beatified in 1997). SVDP has a Rule, which sets out its vocation, organization, and mission. More information about the Rule can be found at .

As an example, our Rule, Part 1: 3.3 states: “The members meet as brothers and sisters with Christ in the midst of them, in Conferences that are genuine communities of faith and love, of prayer and action. Spiritual bonds and friendship between members are essential, as is the common mission to help the poor and marginalized. The entire Society is a true and unique worldwide Community of Vincentian friends.” Together, as a group, we grow in spirituality and friendship.