Bl. Frédéric Ozanam (1813-1853) was born on April 23, 1813 in Milan, Italy. On April 23, 1833, he and six companions founded the Society of St. Vincent de Paul. In addition, St. Vincent de Paul himself was born on April 24, 1581. To commemorate these events the Society in the US celebrates the last Sunday of April as Ozanam Sunday.
“[Ozanam’s] doctrine had its starting point in the mystery of Jesus’ humanity… not an abstract or spiritual Jesus. This mystery led him to the ministry of charity on behalf of the poor whom he considered as members of the same Jesus Christ. Vincentian values, which Frédéric incorporated into his life, provided him with the necessary and sufficient light to confront the different situations of conflict that he would encounter throughout his life. Frédéric did this not from some passive position but by engaging in action on behalf of others. Ozanam did not live on the level of theory but rather was a man of action. He was not a contemplative who withdrew from the world but rather through his contemplation he discovered God in the human person.” (Biography of Frederic Ozanam, Sr. M. Teresa Candelas, D.C., Province of Saint Louise de Marillac,